Why Prince William never wears a wedding ring

Publish Date
Tuesday, 31 January 2017, 12:59PM
Photo: Getty Images

Photo: Getty Images

For most men, it's just commonplace to wear a wedding band after a marriage has taken place.

However royals, including Prince William himself, don't wear wedding bands, and it's a decision that has its roots in historical aristocratic etiquette.

The tradition of men wearing marital rings only started during World War II when soldiers fighting overseas wore them as a reminder of their family back home.

"It is not unusual at all for men from the upper sets in Britain to shun wearing a wedding band," said etiquette expert William Hanson. "This is not because of any intentions that they may wish to play away from home once married, but because it was traditionally not the done thing for gentlemen to wear jewelery. Years ago, this even included watches, but even hardened snobs have relaxed on that front."

"Not wearing a wedding band is one of those quirky British silent class indicators, like the color of your shoes on a Thursday, or the way you fold your top pocket handkerchief," he added.

There is an exception to the non-jewelery rule however, being the signet ring.

Prince Charles wearing his signet ring. Photo/Getty

"The signet ring shows lineage, which is obviously more important than any comparatively trivial romance," says Hanson. "Signet rings should only have a family crest on - ones with your initials are treated as a bit suspect."


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