9 Supplements That Will Change Your Life
1/9 Vitamin D: Boosts your mood. Vitamin D is acquired through sunlight and aides our body in processing calcium which is essential for healthy bones. During the year our natural vitamin D levels rise and fall in relation to the weather and the varying number of daylight hours available to us. Just 10 minutes spent outside in warmer months is enough to keep your natural levels topped up.
2/9 Wheat Grass: Good all-rounder. Wheat Grass is a great way branch into supplements. An iron rich nutrient it contains energising chlorophyll, bone-nourishing calcium and anti-aging antioxidants. Slip one tsp into your morning juice to reap the benefits.
3/9 Zinc: Maintains immunity. Zinc is vital in maintaining a healthy immune system and warding off colds but as it can't be produced by the body the only way to acquire it is through your diet. The good news is that some of our favourite foods including chocolate, cashews and spinach are all rich in this essential mineral. If you're a fussy eater don't fret, one 25g Zinc tablet before breakfast will do the trick.
4/9 5HTP: Regulates sleep patterns. 5HTP or 5-Hydroxytryptophan is a naturally derived amino acid which boosts serotonin and aides sleep. Minute quantities of 5HTP can be found in cheese and poultry, but to prop your levels up take one 50mg tablet an hour before bed.
5/9 Omega 3: Keeps you young. Packed with potent anti-inflamatories, Omega 3 fatty acids are often used to reduce rosacea and improve uneven skintone. The essential oils leave skin looking healthier resulting in a more youthful appearance. Eggs, seafood and walnuts are all great sources which can be sifted into your diet but to really see the benefits take one 1200mg capsule with every meal.
6/9 Enchincea: Combats colds. Enchincea has long been used to fight the common cold and minor infections. However there has been much debate as to whether it's actually caplable of preventing a cold or just aides other medicines in speeding up the recovery. The medical studies are divided. Try it for yourself by taking 140mg a day and see if you manage to keep the sniffles at bay.
7/9 Aloe Vera: Imporves your digestive system. Native to Africa, Aloe Vera is a prickly green plant that produces an anti-inflammatory gel which when applied topically soothes sunburn and calms skin disorders. The yellow sap of the plant can be ingested and beauty enthusiasts swear by its ability to speed up digestion. See if it makes a difference to your metabolism by taking one 330mg tablet or 50ml of juice a day.
8/9 Spirulina: Fights fatigue. The superfood of supplements, Spirulina is a rich source of protein, vitamins and iron, which helps fight fatigue and lower cholesterol. If you have a meat-free diet or are suffering from undue tiredness, try adding one tsp to a glass of water before meals.
9/9 B Vitamins: Healthy Hair and Nails. In the pursuit of thick glossy tresses and strong healthy nails? Pick up B Vitamins tablets from your local chemist. A two month supply should kick-start a noticeable transformation just in time for Christmas.
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Today a growing number of women are taking a cocktail of wonder supplements, juices and powders each day, in the daily pursuit of perfect health and eternal youth. We've complied a list of the most effective supplements out there, for everything from insomina to fatigue, to make the quest for better health a little less overwhelming...