Jackie Gower - The Power of Half!
- Publish Date
- Friday, 6 September 2013, 12:00AM

- Author
- By Jackie Gower
Have you ever noticed how many manufacturers make products such as shampoo and washing up liquid in nice, convenient squeezy bottles with big wide necks or holes so that HEAPS comes out and you have to replace it more often? Sneaky, huh? The good thing is, you don’t have to fall for their tricks. Try some clever tricks of your own and get twice the use and double the savings on these every day products. All you have to do is halve them!
Dishwasher powder. It might come packaged with a hefty big scoop or a wide neck but believe it or not your dishes will come out just as clean with ONE TABLESPOON of powder. Try it and see, you can make it last so much longer! You can do the same with dishwasher tablets too, simply break the tablet in half and get twice the use out of every packet.
Dishwashing liquid. It’s so easy to upend the bottle and squirt masses of dishwashing liquid into your sink – but don’t! You only need a tiny amount to get your dishes clean; a small blob is enough. Not only is reducing your use of products like these better for your finances, it’s better for the environment too, through reducing the amount of soap going into our waterways and the amount of packaging we throw away.
Washing powder. Even tradesmen and people who work in appliances say we all use too much washing powder; in fact this can do more harm than good! As before, disregard that great big scoop; half a scoop or even a tablespoon will do. Your clothes won’t look any different but your bank balance will!
Shampoo and conditioner. Be honest, how many of us fill up our palm with shampoo and conditioner when we wash our hair? It’s easy to do with those super squeezy bottles but your hair doesn’t need that much! Hair products are not cheap so save yourself a bundle by keeping the amount you use to the size of a 20c piece – or transfer it to a clean pump bottle if you can’t resist the urge to splurge.