Bryan Ward - Lock it or lose it
- Publish Date
- Friday, 5 May 2017, 11:52PM

- Author
- By Bryan Ward
Lock it up or lose it. When visiting don’t leave valuables in sight in your vehicle and lock your vehicles up.
There are some basic steps people can take to help protect their property. Like lock your car while it's in the garage and take the keys inside with you. Make sure you lock the garage too.
If you have to leave a car in the open make sure it's locked and take all valuables with you. Consider installing a car alarm or using a steering wheel lock.
During the day make sure all your windows are shut and every door locked. Don't leave a hidden spare key out. Thieves are pretty good at hide and seek and generally know most hiding places.
If you see something suspicious, the most important thing is to keep yourself safe. If you are able to, note down a licence plate, get a good description of the person and any vehicle details that can then be given to Police. If you see a theft in progress call 111 straight away
You can also register the serial numbers of your assets on line at is external) and have a read of the crime prevention
About Bryan
Bryan Ward is a Pan Auckland Community Constable across the Auckland area and has been a police officer for over 18 years.
Bryan has been a national trainer for the neighbourhood policing teams and community constables in the Police and developed and features in a children's safety television programme called Bryan and Bobby you can visit them on their website:Â