Bryan Ward - Out and About Safety
- Publish Date
- Friday, 25 July 2014, 12:00AM

- Author
- By Bryan Ward
Getting Home or while you are out:
- If you are out stick with your friend.
- Keep some money aside for a taxi home.
- Keep your cellphone where you can reach it.
- If you do find yourself on your own avoid dark and isolated places, close to the gutter rather than past shop doorways and walk facing the traffic.
If you think someone is following you then:
- Keep looking ahead and walk briskly.
- Cross the road and see if they follow.
- If they do then go to the nearest place where there are people (i.e. A shop/garage/food outlet).
- If you believe you are in danger then dial 111 and ask for the Police immediately.
If a driver stops and asks you for directions:
- Be polite but stay out of reach.
- If you don’t trust them, walk away quickly in the opposite direction.
- Don’t accept a lift from a stranger.
What to do if you are attacked/grabbed:
- Make lots of noise,Try to escape and get to a place of safety.
- Dial 111 and ask for the police.
- Unless it absolutely necessary to defend yourself to avoid harm, the best thing to do is to move away avoid confrontation, call the Police and provide them with a good description and where you last saw the person if they have moved off.