Ed surprises sick fan
- Publish Date
- Friday, 6 October 2017, 1:14PM

Photo: Givealittle/brookehunter
A Kiwi Ed Sheeran fan now knows what it's like to be star-struck after receiving a personal message from the singer, Ed Sheeran.
The Shape of You singer sent his good wishes to a Gisborne woman Brooke Hunter on Facebook.
"Hey Brooke, I thought I would send you a video to let you know I'm thinking about you," Sheeran said in the clip.Â
Hunter has Wilms cancer - a rare from that attacks the kidneys. She was diagnosed in 2015 and over the last two years has endured "many rounds of chemo, a loss of a kidney, stem cell harvests and transplants", her aunty wrote on a Givealittle Page that she set up for Hunter.
Hunter's friend, Ramari Wanoa, got in contact with Ed Sheeran's publicists begging for him to make a video for her sick friend.
"I created a Twitter account and then just tweeted the hell out of his manager," Wanoa said.
"About two days it took to get noticed. I was just asking him if he could send a message to my friend who is terminally ill."
She finally got noticed and was asked to email the details of her friends illness to Sheeran's manager, in two hours he'd made the video.
Photo: Givealittle/brookehunter
"I was shaking," she said. "She was so happy, she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. It was so worth it."
Hunter has "watched this probably about 100 times".
"You could not wipe the smile off my face," she wrote on her Facebook.
Hunter has tickets booked for Sheeran's Auckland show next year and is a "huge" fan of music, Wanoa said.
"It's something I can look at all the time to make me smiles and that's the most important thing in the world," Hunter wrote.