What you never knew about Love Actually
1/7 The movie stole a scene from Four Weddings and a Funeral The scene where Colin accidentally insults the caterer's food to her face while attempting to flirt was originally written for Hugh Grant's character in Four Weddings and a Funeral. They cut the scene in the final stages of editing - so it was recycled for Love Actually. Photo/Universal Pictures
2/7 Claudia Schiffer wasn't actually ever meant to be in the movie The original script had Claudia's character as as someone who just LOOKED similar to the supermodel. But the director had trouble finding the right actor for the role, so they approached Claudia to see if she was interested. "It was funny how it ended up, you know, him getting the real deal. I just thought it was brilliant," Love Actually star Elisha Cuthbert said to VH1.com. Photo/Universal Pictures
3/7 Emma Thompson wore a fat suit for her role The director felt that the actor was too thin for the 'mumsy' look, so they used a fat suit to "plump" her out. Photo/Facebook
4/7 The airport scenes at the beginning and end of the movie are real people, with real reactions The Love Actually crew set up cameras at Heathrow Airport for a week filming real people as they greeted their loved ones. Director Richard Curtis told Vulture: "That was real documentary footage that we shot without anyone knowing we were shooting, and we had to rush up to people and ask for their permission to use it." Photo/Facebook
5/7 Andrew Lincoln thought his character was a "stalker" Andrew was unsure about the scene in which his character Mark told his best friend's wife Juliet (Keira Knightley) that he loved her via a series of handwritten signs. "He [Mark] is a stalker," Lincoln later told TheWrap. "That was my question to Richard Curtis, 'Do you not think we're sort of borderline stalker territory here?' And he said, 'No, no. Not with you playing it, darling. You'll be alright'." And here's an added fun fact: Lincoln wrote those signs himself. Photo/Facebook
6/7 It's hard to pick a favourite scene from Love Actually, but most fans would agree that they loved the part where Hugh Grant dances around his Downing Street home to Jump. But what you wouldn't guess from watching it is that Grant absolutely hated filming that scene. Director Richard Curtis revealed the truth: "[Hugh] was hugely grumpy about it. "The fault line was the dance, because there was no way he could do that in a prime ministerial manner. He kept on putting it off, and he didn't like the song - it was originally a Jackson 5 song, but we couldn't get it - so he was hugely unhappy about it. "We didn't shoot it until the final day and it went so well that when we edited it, it had gone too well, and he was singing along with the words. When you edit a dance sequence like that, it's going to be a third of the length, and the bit he's singing the words to isn't going to be the bit of that moment, so it was incredibly hard to edit." Photo/Facebook
7/7 Love Actually was meant to be two separate films Director Richard Curtis told Vulture that he was originally working on two films, one about Hugh Grant's character and the other about Colin Firth's character. "I'd worked out whole films on those subjects, and then I thought, 'Oh, I don't want to do these because they are just turning out to be a shape I know'," Curtis said. Photo/Facebook
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Nothing gets you into the festive mood more than one of the best Christmas movies of all time: Love Actually.Â
Even though you may watched the film a number of times you may not know these facts about the much loved romantic comedy.Â