Are Working Bee's still a thing?

Publish Date
Monday, 10 March 2025, 10:44AM

The humble Working Bee was a big part of life in the 80s, but we haven't done one in a long time. Are they still a part of kiwi life? Also we wrap up the big weekend for the Black Caps, and does anyone know what 'lock it in Eddie' means?

0:00 Intro
1:30 Weekend wrap up
6:10 What happens for the first time at 11:16 on a Monday?
10:40 Meeting hangovers
14:45 How to quickly clean your rings
18:05 Are Working Bee’s still a thing?
23:20 Lock it in Eddie
29:10 The Chasers
33:50 When holidays break a relationship
40:10 Brand new episode of We Need To Talk

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