15 Unbelievable And Unusual Facts About Eyes
- Publish Date
- Friday, 24 June 2016, 1:56PM

Our eyes are one of the most captivating and complicated parts of the body. We bet you didn’t know many of these facts:
- When you look at someone you loved, the pupil of your eye increases by 45%.
- All babies are colour blind when they born.
- We can see only red, blue and green colour; other colors are the blend of these three.
- It is impossible to sneeze with eyes open.
- An average blink lasts for about 1/10th of a second.
- About 39 million people around the world are blind.
- We learn 80% through our eyes.
- The eye’s lens is quicker than any camera.
- Eyes blink more when we talk.
- Newborn babies do not produce tears when they cry until they are six weeks old.
- Eyes are composed of about 200 million working parts.
- Eyes use 65% of the brainpower more than any other body part.
- Only one-sixth of an eyeball is exposed.
- We produce fewer tears, as we get older.
- Reading in dim light does not harm your eyesight, but it can tire them out.