Flight Attendant Adopts Dog Who Never Stopped Waiting For Her Outside Her Hotel
- Publish Date
- Wednesday, 10 August 2016, 1:42PM

This story will melt your heart!
Keeping love alive in a long-distance relationship isn't always easy. But for this stray pup who fell head over heels for a woman who lives half a world away, his persistence and determination more than paid off.
Flight attendant Olivia Sievers frequently travels from her home in Germany to Argentina for work, though on one such visit she made a friend. Little could she have guessed at the time that he'd be a friend for life.
Earlier this year, while walking around Buenos Aires near the hotel where she was staying, Sievers encountered the friendly street dog, who'd been known to wander the area. She gave him some food and they played awhile, and afterward he insisted on staying by her side.
"I tried to change my way because I didn't want that he follow me back to the hotel," she said. "But it was not possible. He always came back and followed me. I tried one hour, but he always watched me and followed me. He was really happy that somebody gave him attention."
For the dog, it had been love at first sight. He proceeded to settle in at the entrance of Sievers's hotel. Taking pity on the pup, whom she named Rubio, Sievers gave him an airline blanket to keep warm in at night.
Rubio had found his soul mate — even if she didn't know it yet.
It wasn't long before Sievers was on a plane back to Germany, and Rubio returned to wander the streets. Clearly, though, he never forgot her.
When Sievers was in town the next time for work, staying at the same hotel, Rubio appeared at the door to greet her for a cuddle.
Then, sure enough, he continued to wait out front for their next date.
In Rubio's mind, this was far more than a passing fling. Incredibly, as Sievers flew back and forth for work over the months that followed, Rubio would always be found waiting for her at her hotel (almost as if he knew her work schedule).
But still she always had to leave him.
On one occasion, Sievers even made arrangements for a rescue group to adopt Rubio out to a loving home, but he escaped and was soon back at the door waiting. His mind had been made up, and it was then that Sievers's was too.
The flight attendant decided to make Rubio her pet. She filled out the necessary paperwork to bring him back home with her to Germany.
Last Friday, he flew to his new home, where Sievers was waiting for him.
It has only been a few days now since Rubio has put the streets of Argentina behind him to enjoy his new life in Germany with his new mum and family, but it was clearly worth the wait.
All dogs deserve a happy ending like this one!