Publish Date
Thursday, 11 August 2016, 8:19PM

 The National Athletic Trainers’ Association suggests that the germiest places in a fitness club are the shower, mats, and exercise machines, especially any equipment that has handles. A few tips on how to avoid the vermin …

• Like other places, the best thing you can do is wash your hands frequently.

• Cover cuts with a waterproof dressing before swimming; chlorine doesn’t kill everything.

• Run the water fountain for 15 seconds before drinking; make sure it runs clear, because you don’t know how close the person was to it before you.

• Bring your own bathing essentials, including towel, razors, and shower shoes.

• Wipe down all equipment with anti-bacterial wipes; this includes not just the handles, but the buttons to anything you’re touching.

• Shower immediately after you work out; that’s the fastest way to get bacteria off your skin. Don’t wait until you get home.

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