HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWS (According to Facebook)
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 31 March 2020, 1:28PM

☞ Be skeptical of headlines: Fake news headlines often sound too good to be true — because they are. And beware of exclamation points and headlines written in all caps.Â
☞ Look closely at the link: Have you heard of the news site in the URL? Does it sound like an established news source, but there’s a letter or two added, or missing? Those are telltale signs.
☞ Investigate the source: Be aware of which outlets you trust, and watch out for them. Google the ones you haven’t heard of to see if they are reputable.
☞ Watch for unusual formatting: Could you design a better homepage than that? Do you see spelling errors, and find the layout awkward? If the site you’re on looks off, the problem likely goes deeper.
☞ Look at other reports: Is the outlet you’re reading the only one to report something extreme? Try to verify the story with Google.
☞ Is the story a joke? Some people don’t realize that The Onion and The Beaverton are satirical publications. Their stories are designed to look like real news, but they’re intended as parodies.