- Publish Date
- Friday, 18 December 2015, 10:51AM

 Here are the seats you should stay away from every time you travel …
✗ The seat with the entertainment box. If this metal equipment box is under the seat in front, your leg-room is going to be severely limited.
✗ The seat at the back of any section. They’re usually found just in front of a bank of lavatories or a galley, meaning lots of traffic and invasive aromas. Also the seats don’t recline.
✗ The seat next to the main exit door. Having no seat in front means no under-seat storage. And there’s reduced seat width due to the solid metal armrests needed to stow tray tables.
✗ The rows in front of exit rows. All that leg-room in the exit row behind you is partially at your expense. In order to keep the exit clear for emergencies, your seat does not recline.
✗ The broken seat. Whether it leans at a weird angle, jiggles loosely in its bolts, or the recline mechanism is jammed, you need to draw attention to it and get another seat … if one’s empty.
✗ The seat near the bathroom. Expect a constant stream of passengers steadying themselves on your seatback, if not squishing into you to allow two-way traffic in the aisle.
✗ Misaligned window seat. Many planes have configurations that place some seats between windows. Not only can’t you see out very well; you can’t control the window shades.
✗ The last row. Don’t bother getting up for at least 10 minutes after the seatbelt sign dings off. By the time the aisle is clear for you to go, it will just be you and the cleaning crew.
✗ The DMS (Dreaded Middle Seat). Almost every traveler has a horror story about being sandwiched between 2 people. Odds are they’ll claim the armrest … on both sides of you. –