Wondering what your chances are of coming down with certain diseases? When you celebrate your birthday could offer a clue. Turns out the month you were born is closely related to a bunch of health conditions, according to new research from Columbia University.
It was a fairly big study: Scientists looked at records from 1.7 million patients who were treated for 1,688 conditions from 1985 to 2013. They found associations between birth month and 55 diseases and other ailments.
What'd they find? For one, you're more likely to develop certain types of heart disease if your birthday's in March.
Blow out the candles in July? That ups your chances of asthma.
And celebrating in November makes you more likely to suffer from ADHD.
May babies have the lowest overall chance of disease, while people born in October have the highest.
But don't worry about it too much, say researchers—having a healthy diet and exercising still trumps your birth month when it comes to preventing many of the conditions.