The brutally honest baby cards every parent needs...
- Publish Date
- Wednesday, 17 April 2019, 4:51PM

You may have seen those parents on Facebook posting a picture of their newborn lying next to a baby card that says "7 Weeks Old!"
Well, how about these brutally honest cards?
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For just A$29.95, each pack contains 19 cards to be used as a photo prop or keepsake.
The cards include:
- Last night I woke up Every. Single. Hour.
- I had my head banged into a door frame
- I rolled off the (-change table - bed - couch)
- A teensy bit of my finger got cut off while someone was cutting my nails
- Nappy Explosion! It went (-up my back - down my leg)
- Today I was referred to as the opposite sex
- I screamed all day long for no reason (parents feel free to use this card too)
- Ate (blank) off the floor
- The brakes were left off my stroller
- Today I learnt to climb out of my high chair
- First visit to the ER
- My first poo in the bath
- Someone dropped their phone on my face when taking my picture
- I was fed food that wasn't cooled down properly
- I just vomited in someone's mouth
- Dropped (blank) in the toilet
- Got burnt by the car seat buckle
- I just found my genitals
- Today my parents are hungover for the first time since having me