Science has just found a pillowcase has more bacteria on it than a toilet!
- Publish Date
- Saturday, 8 June 2019, 11:36AM
It turns out your pillowcase could have a lot more in common with a toilet than you would think ...
And yes, you read that right ...
Following a study - which had scientists collect swabs from various locations around a house like a toilet, bed, fridge and couch before they were then sent off for testing -Â Amerisleep has found that after one week, your pillowcase contains 17,442 times more bacteria than a toilet seat!
And it gets worse.
After two weeks, the material you put your face on for eight hours a night accumulates 332 times more bacteria than a tap handle.
So what would happen after four weeks?
Your pillowcase will then have 39 times more bacteria than a pet bowl!
Y. U. C. K.
Time to change our sheets more regularly!