These six junk foods actually aren't as bad for you as we thought they were ...
1/6 Beef jerky: Yes, it’s packed with preservatives and sodium, but recently a healthier version has surfaced. Look for beef jerky labelled “all-natural.” It’s lower in sodium and preservatives and contains a high amount of protein.
2/6 Chocolate: Not the sugar-packed kind with lollies or chewy fillings – we’re talking about plain, pure chocolate. Dark chocolate’s antioxidant-rich nutritional value has been well documented, but if you find it too bitter, opt for almost-as-healthy milk chocolate that’s either plain or with nuts or fruit.
3/6 Bacon: is high in monounsaturated fat, the same type of fat found in olive oil that’s generally described as heart-healthy. Also, it's high in protein.
4/6 Ketchup: It contains only 15 calories per tablespoon and it’s high in the antioxidant lycopene and vitamins A and C. Avoid brands with high-fructose corn syrup.
5/6 Kumara fries: They are higher in fibre and lower in carbs than traditional fries. You can up the health factor by making them from scratch - simply cut kumara into wedges and bake them instead of frying them.
6/6 Potato chips: Baked chips are the best option, but if they don’t quite curb your craving, look for chips fried in healthy oil, like sunflower oil or soy oil. Opt for low-sodium.
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These six junk foods actually aren't as bad for you as we thought they were ...
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We’ve all been there before: we get a craving for a naughty treat and after a few minutes, there's an empty bowl of junk food in front of you.
Then we get that instant feeling of regret ... but it turns out we don’t need to wish we could turn back the clock.
According to experts, not all unhealthy foods are necessarily bad for you!
Obviously, this doesn’t mean you should go to town on a bag of chips every night, but it does mean that not all junk foods are bad when consumed in moderation.
So, if you’re guilty of snacking on one of these foods, don't beat yourself up for it.
Just remember portion control in mind and snack away!